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1 Full Action

Error Range


When a character takes a Ready action, he must decide upon two things — 1 half action that he will take later during the current round and a trigger that will cause him to take the action.

Example: Kevin decides to take a Standard Attack action with his pistol at the first person to come around a corner in his line of sight.

The trigger may involve a person attempting or completing a task, or an event as it occurs. In the first case, the character may specifically state that he wishes to intercede when the person attempts the task, allowing him to take the ready action before the person acts.

Example: Gary takes a Ready action to activate a shaped charge placed on a control panel if anyone attempts to press its “missile launch” button. His action occurs as, and before, anyone moves to do so.

When the character cannot react to a person attempting a task, his action may only follow the task’s completion.

Example: Returning to the first example in this section, Kevin must obviously wait until someone comes around the corner before he can shoot, so the GC determines that Kevin’s action may only follow, not precede, the triggering action.

If a Ready action’s trigger occurs at an Initiative Count lower than that of the character, the character’s Initiative Count is immediately reduced to the current Initiative Count; otherwise, the character’s Initiative Count remains unchanged.

Should the character decide to cancel his action when the trigger occurs, he must make a Reflex save (DC 15). With failure, the character must go through with his declared action, regardless of the consequences. Whether the character succeeds with this save or not, his Ready action ends and his Initiative Count is reduced as standard.

Example: One of Kevin’s allies comes around the corner, on Initiative Count 14. Kevin doesn’t want to shoot his ally, so he makes a Reflex save, scoring a 22. He manages to keep from shooting his ally, but his Initiative Count still drops to 14 and his Ready action ends. No character who comes around the corner later during the same round triggers Kevin’s attack.

Finally, if a character’s Ready trigger doesn’t occur during the current round, he loses the chance to act during the current round, his Initiative Count remains unchanged, and his Ready action remains active until the start of his Initiative Count during the following round.

Example: No one comes around the corner, so Kevin’s Initiative Count remains unchanged at 22. He loses his chance to act during this round, but if anyone comes around the corner before Initiative Count 22 during the following round, Kevin’s Ready action is activated.

Should the character decide to end his Ready action between the start of the following round and his Initiative Count during that round, he must make the Reflex save as standard.

Spycraft 2.0
Characters - Skills - Feats - Gear - Combat - Dramatic Conflict