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Feats are special abilities or enhancements to existing abilities. They’re one of the most powerful tools for becoming highly proficient at specific tasks. Feats have no rank or grade; a character either possesses a feat or he doesn’t.

Acquiring Feats[]

Many feats have other, less powerful, feats as prerequisites. This ensures that a character’s feat ability improves as he specializes.

Your character may gain feats from 3 sources.

  • A character gains 1 feat from his Specialty. This feat may be specific or chosen from a designated feat tree, as noted in the Specialty description.
  • Many classes grant bonus feats. These are usually specific feats.

Unless otherwise specified, no feat may be gained more than once.


A character must meet a feat’s prerequisites before he may choose it. A feat may be gained immediately after its prerequisites are met (e.g. as a character applies the effects of a new level).

Example: As Kevin applies the effects of Level 12, he raises his Strength score to 13. If he also gains a Melee Combat feat, he may take the All-Out Attack feat.

If a character loses one or more prerequisites for one of his feats — due to attribute damage, for example — he keeps the feat but may not benefit from it or use its abilities again until he regains all of its prerequisites.

Temporary Feats[]

Some class abilities grant a character one or more “temporary feats.” Unless otherwise specified, a character must meet all prerequisites for a temporary feat before he may benefit from it or use its abilities.

Further, while a temporary feat may be used to meet the prerequisites of another temporary feat, it may never be used to meet the prerequisites for any permanent or virtual feat. Neither may a temporary feat be used to meet expert class requirements.

Finally, if another character’s ability grants you a temporary feat that you already possess, you gain no additional benefit — even if the feat in question may be chosen multiple times.

Virtual Feats[]

Some feats and class abilities grant a character one or more “virtual feats.” All virtual feats feature some restriction (e.g. its abilities apply only to attacks with a specific weapon, or to skill checks with a specific vehicle).

A virtual feat may be used to meet the prerequisites of other feats, but any restrictions that apply to a virtual feat also apply to each feat for which it is fulfilling a prerequisite.

Virtual feats may never be used to meet expert class requirements.

Feats as Class Abilities[]

When a class ability grants a choice of feats (usually from a feat tree), the character must meet all of a feat’s prerequisites before choosing it.

When a class ability grants a specific feat, the feat’s prerequisites are waived. If the character already possesses a feat granted by a newly acquired class ability, he may choose 1 feat from the same tree. He must meet all of this feat’s prerequisites before choosing it.

Example: At Career Level 8, Kevin multi-classes as a Faceman. This typically grants him the Flawless Identity feat, but since he already chose that feat at Career Level 6, he instead gains any 1 Tradecraft feat for which he meets all listed prerequisites. He chooses Career Agent.

Feats and Action Dice[]

When a feat grants a character 1 or more action dice, the character never gains XP as a result.

Feat Trees[]

Spycraft 2.0 breaks feats into categories, or “trees”:

Basic Combat Feats: These feats focus on combat fundamentals, and are often prerequisites for feats in other categories.

Melee Combat Feats: These feats focus on fighting with knives, axes, and other hand-held weapons.

Ranged Combat Feats: These feats focus on the use of firearms and hurled weapons.

Unarmed Combat Feats: These feats focus on brawling and Hong Kong “wire fu” martial arts.

Chance Feats: These feats focus on extraordinary luck: good (for you) and bad (for others).

Chase Feats: These feats focus on vehicle and chase expertise.

Covert Feats: These feats focus on stealth, evasion, and subterfuge.

Gear Feats: These feats focus on the acquisition and use of equipment.

Basic Skill Feats: These feats focus on small clusters of related skills, granting bonuses with their use and increasing their threat ranges.

Advanced Skill Feats: These feats focus on broad skill applications, granting large bonuses and special abilities with small clusters of skills, or supporting many skills at once.

Style Feats: These feats focus on savoir-faire and social interaction.

Terrain Feats: These feats focus on manipulating and surviving in specific environments.

Tradecraft Feats: These feats focus on many activities common to world of espionage.

Spycraft 2.0
Characters - Skills - Feats - Gear - Combat - Dramatic Conflict